commended by

walks, Champion Weight

editor of Strength and Hos Magy


If you feel dragged out... tired... listless if your gains are slow.. haps the solution to your problem lies in "sparking your glands" with the 25 concentrated food factors contained in each YORK VITAMIN/MINERAL capsule to help digestion, to speed assimilation, to build solid muscular tissue.

Everyone requires vitamins and minerals to round out and insure proper nutrition. These YORK Food Supplement VitaminMineral capsules give you adequate protection at less than a dime a day!

YORK V/M capsules contain Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, Calcium, Niacin, Folic Acid, Inositol, the vital Vitamin E, Choline, Iron, Phosphorus, lodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Sodium Chloride, Cobalt, Manganese, Potassium, Whole Dried Liver, Brewers Yeast.

30 Day Supply (one meal) $3.00 postpaid 90 Day Supply $8.00 postpaid.



Bob Hoffman has just finished a new book which can add a great deal of health, strength and joyous living to your life. His new HIGH PROTEIN RECIPE BOOK contains a thousand delicious, readily more than usable recipes for all sorts of dishes, including ice cream, candies, cookies, cakes, pies, puddings, sauces, meat and vegetable dishes. This book will be a complete guide in your kitchen for more healthful High Protein meals. At less than a tenth of a cent per recipe, you simply can't afford to be without it.

Send $1.00 today to BOB HOFFMAN


Behind the Scenes

(Continued from page 57)

Actually strength and physical development come before muscle control, rather than afterward. Any barbell man can tell you that after he practices weight training for some months, he becomes ablehow, he usually doesn't know-to flick and flex many of his muscles through mental control. The first muscle he controls is usually the biceps, then the thighs, then the latissimus, then the triceps, then the calves, and somewhere along the line, the pectorals. (At this point he is ready to join Mae West.) When a muscle becomes well developed, control seems to follow.

Max Sick claimed it was the other way round, and our present German scientists are of a like opinion. Frankly, we think they are wrong.

Are slow movements better than fast movements for either strength or development? As Ian Sinclair writes, this battle has been going on for ages among physical training authorities. Certainly if the movement is so slow and so intense that you quiver all over there must be something rotten in Denmark (as Hamlet said). We saw a demonstration of this at the recent Daytona Beach Mr. America contest, when several contestants did so much muscle flexing at extreme tension that they were unable to lift within fifty pounds of their normal lifts in the contests the next day. Muscle flexing will not build power-that is certain.

There may be some merit in fairly slow movements for building size, but we have always noticed that the strongest men moved quite rapidly. Anyone who has watched big Paul Anderson lift is aware of this. Even his presses are quite fast. Out Scottish correspondent has a point in the case of Charles Rigoulot, who did nothing but fast cleans, snatches and jerks.

However, many musclemen are not at all concerned with power. They want "lumps," and will do anything to get them, even if eventually they wind up in a sanitarium. Are ultra-slow and ultratension contractions the way to get these lumps? Could they achieve their ambitions by doing just ONE exercise per day? The unpleasant facts about musclespinning are that you have to do rep after rep after rep until you are ready to drop to get the super-lump development that some muscleheads achieve. Muscle culture with these people becomes a fulltime daily occupation.

One of the very worst features of this type of development is that a few days rest will cause the subject to rapidly lose the muscle size and separation he has so painfully constructed. The nervous tension involved is also detrimental to mental stability and physical health.

We believe there is no point whatever in doing exercises so slowly that the movement resembles a slow-motion picture. The most important thing in doing exercises is to get a full and complete movement from relaxation to complete contraction. This should be slow enough to make sure you are doing the exercise correctly. And for fitness and endurance and for building muscular coordination, you should do some lifts and exercises (such the "flip" snatch) with all the speed of which you are capable.

Regarding Ian's comment about chest/ stomach area ratio and the inability of the

natural thoracic type to add bulk, there is some truth to his contention-but also there are very few people who are outand out thin or bulky natural types. Most exercisers will fall into a sort of intermediate type, and thus have the privilege of changing their builds by proper culti-


We think Sinclair has a most ingenious idea for changing the thin man by gradually adding to his exercise schedule. York has used a Heavy and Light principle for many years. Our personal opinion is that the thin man will not add bulk unless he does high reps on the squat-even if he has to cut the weight down to do so. I have seen many men gain after years of failure by doing first one, then two sets of squats at 20 repetitions. They can go as light as they like on weight and reps on their other exercises, but the squat must be repeated enough to cause puffing and perspiration. And you don't need to do this slowly-the faster the knee. bends-the better.

We are always happy when medical scientists do research in our field, but we feel we could save many of them years of time if they would ask us some simple questions about bodybuilding problems we have solved years ago. We know this for certain-nobody is going to become a perfect physical specimen by pulling in his belly once a day until it quivers.


BE A MUSCLEHEAD! by Bill Nicholson

IT really isn't very complicated! All you need is a barbell, several issues of some other magazine illustrating countless cheating movements and twenty-four hours a day. The usual procedure is to train about eight rours per day--every day. We don't want you to waste a minute, so be sure you spend your time between exercises in front of a mirror practicing your posing routine. Let's see now, you will need about twelve hours of sleep to recuperate and at least two hours to stuff your starving body with food. You have two hours left, but be careful not to waste this precious time either. Don't spend it in recreation or work. Conserve your energy. This time is yours to do with as you like-just as long as you use it to figure out your training routine for tomorrow. We wouldn't want any part of that sacred body not to get fully cramped and blown, now would we?

Quit that job and put the wife to work and the kids too if they are old enough. Or if you are single, get the old man to support you a few more years. Some day when you become "Mr. Wonderful" you will suddenly acquire riches! You doubt this? Heaven forbid! It says so right in this other magazine, and shouldn't your writer's word be enough?



Seriously, we aren't exaggerating much as you might think. There are those who associate themselves with the iron game who choose to spend their lives so foolishly. It doesn't take much imagination to realize what would happen if good percentage of our population lived in this manner. The fall of ancient Rome would be mild by comparison. It doesn't seem to occur to these characters that they should try to be productive rather than be no better than a bum.

Now don't go blabbing that your writer (Continued on page 60)



New-Original Revolutionary


Here is the exclusive combination dumbbell and barbell bar in one unit. One of the greatest muscle building innovations in the history of bodybuilding.

The secret is its unique, balanced, parallel dumbbell grips which combines training of barbell and dumbbell movements at one time. The muscles get the benefit of dumbbell exercises in an entirely different way. Since the bar is so radically designed, it can also be used as a curling bar.

Superba is made in three different widths between dumbbell grips: 20-24-28 inches. Specify size when ordering. Booklet of instructions will be sent with order. No COD's. Shipping charges are extra. Remit $12.00 to


Box 754, Niagara Falls, N.Y. NOTE: Free booklet of illustrations and instructions will be mailed upon request. SUPERBA is also available in a new JUNIOR size-15 inches between dumbell grips-which makes it ideal for women and boys.




A new and novel method of learning the difficult one hand stand is taught in the York Handbalancing Courses. You can learn this stunt in a very short time. Surprise your friends, enroll now and be the first in your club do neighborhood to the one handstand!


WHY DON'T YOU LEARN NOW? It's easy. It's healthy. It's strength building. The York Handbalancing Courses are the most complete treatise ever written on the subject. They cover everything from the theory of balancing to the most difficult of all balancing stunts.

The York Handbalancing Courses are well illustrated. There are dozens of new stunts for you to try, some easy, some hard. If you have never balanced before you will find this course interesting and easy to understand. In no time at all you will be doing the regular handstand.




P.O. Box 1484


York, Pa.

A good training bench is an essential in any gymnasium. We believe the original, practical, multi-purpose bench pictured here to be the best allaround training bench ever developed. First, it is designed for heavy bench pressing. It is difficult to get a heavy weight in position for pressing when training alone; it is nuisance for others to stop training and hand it to you. All that difficulty is eliminated when you own the York Multi-Purpose Bench.

The York bench serves well for dumbell pressing, pullovers and all chestdeveloping dumbell exercises. It is ideal for leg raising and leg curling with York Health Shoes. With a strap to hold the legs, it serves admirably in performing sit-ups and back strengthening exercises. Designed to last a lifetime, it is made with a heavy oak board, well upholstered, with plenty of padding and attractive leatherette. All the rest of this bench is solid steel, welded strongly. Moderately priced at $29.95. Order from York Barbell Company.

PRICE $29.95


• NOVEMBER, 1957


This wonderful double-purpose athletic rub should be in every home as well as every gymnasium. Used by Olympic team trainers, it relieves. the pain and discomfort of tired and sore muscles, sprains and strains of muscles and joint areas, and stiffness due to over-exertion. Hoffman's Rub also aids in the treatment of lumbago, neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, chest colds, headaches and similar painful conditions which can be alleviated by external application and massage.

A generous-sized bottle of this rich, concentrated, scientifically-blended rubbing mixture will be sent to you prepaid for only $1.00

Order from Bob Hoffman, York, Pa.


The York Deep Knee Bend Stand is an essential, for in training alone you are limited to this fine exercise by the weight you can lift unassisted to your shoulders. A man can learn to deep knee bend with nearly double the weight he can place on his shoulders by himself. The more weight you handle properly in this exercise the superior the results you obtain. Heavy deep knee bends build great strength and increase your bodyweight as half the muscular bulk of the body is in the legs. Heavy deep knee bends are required to bring them. to their fullest development.

York Deep Knee Bend Stands, made of heavy iron and steel. Made to last a lifetime. Moderately priced at $21.50

York Barbell Company

BUILD A GRIP OF STEEL Let the Grip of Steel hand crusher grips help you in your training. All strong, virile men have powerful grips. Let your friends know that you are a real man. Pair of Hand Grips


We can supply solid iron dumbells in the following sizes: 3-5-10-15-20-25-30-3540-45-50-55-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100 pounds. Steel bars to prevent breakage are used with the larger sizes. 20 cents per lb. (F. O. B. YORK, PA.)

York Athletic Supply Company